1. Unit Title: AS Chemistry (Chemistry Unit3) 2. Unit Code: WCH13/01 3. Content Overview: Students are expected to develop experimental skills, and a knowledge and understanding of experimental techniques, by carrying out a range of practical experiments and investigations while they study Units 1 and 2. This unit will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of experimental procedures and techniques that were developed in Units 1 and 2. 4. Assessment Overview - Unit : Unit3/Practical Skills in Chemistry I - Percentage : 20% of IAS / 10% of IAL - Mark : 50 - Time : 1 hour 20 mins - Availability : January, June and October This paper may include short-open, open-response and calculation questions. This paper will include a minimum of 6 marks that target mathematics at Level 2 or above (see Appendix 6: Mathematical skills and exemplifications). Students will be expected to apply their knowledge and understanding of practical skills to familiar and unfamiliar situations.
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